Thursday, October 27, 2011

Internet Video Killed the Internet Radio Star

Are you convinced you have the next viral sensation somewhere on your camcorder? Maybe your dog can recite Baudelaire while playing Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No 1 in B Flat Minor and the world needs to know. If so be prepared writes Clair Miller in the New York Times and don't spoil your 15 minutes of internet fame. As the article details, the payoff can be enormous if you follow a few easy steps. For instance this video of a drugged up kid  has made his  family over $100,000. The novacaine hangover being a small price to pay for atleast two years of college education.

Today is the birthday of the great British actor, writer, and Monty Python regular John Cleese. He  was born in 1939 to an acrobat mother and insurance salesman father in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset. Cleese is currently a visiting professor at Cornell University in New York where he provides tutorials on the human brain among other topics.

A few days ago the iPod amazingly turned 10 and it's birthday led the great rock critic Greg Kot to wonder if the advent of these devices has made music more disposable. In other iPod news the devices daddy, Steve Jobs, kept mid 1960's Dylan bootlegs, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones on his writes the Wall Street Journal
My jack of all trades uncle would stash his cd's (remember them?) in the bed of his truck using a plastic storage container. We're talking hundreds if not thousands of albums and it became forever  known as the iTodd, a mobile music lending library.

The long rumored Lou Reed and Metallica album Lulu drops on Tuesday and the Times has an interesting feature on the unlikely pairing.  The match made in hell has been dismissed by critics but generally embraced by music fans(myself included) as something passably interesting.

Hipcycle, a website offering recycled and repurposed goods, was recently launched by Andrew Sell and is aiming to become the "Amazon of upcycled products".

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